Sustainable Development

‘Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’

Future Leap, the team behind the Festival of Sustainable Business, are committed to ensuring the Festival is as sustainable as possible. Here, you can see some of the steps we have taken.

  • We have chosen our venues due to their commitment to sustainability and their creative activity. We are working with venue providers to ensure that sustainability is considered throughout their programmes, including consideration of appropriate heating and lighting and the provision of sustainably sourced refreshments. 

  • Provision of recycling bins

  • Noughts and Ones kindly partnered with the Festival to fund our offsetting through the work of The Converging World. This meant that every attendees carbon footprint for the day was offset. Attendees were also encouraged to donate to The Converging World when purchasing tickets. 

  • LCD screens were running off SolCell energy - a temporary solar energy generator

  • Future Leap encouraged exhibitors and attendees to travel using lower impact forms of transport 

  • Where possible, event times were organised to avoid cars sitting idle during rush-hour

  • Guides were primarily available online, with only a small number printed to improve accessibility for those who needed them

  • The Festival’s materials are printed sustainably using Whitehall Printing

  • The Festival team travel to the location through the use of an electric vehicle car share, where possible

  • Future Leap encourages attendance of students and job-seekers to promote sustainable career aspirations

  • During the Festival of Sustainable Business Gala Dinner 2022, we delivered an opt-out vegan menu, and as none of the event attendees opted for a meat option, all 250 guests were served a delicious 3-course vegan banquet.

  • Food provided during Festival events is carefully selected and locally sourced. The Festival Exhibitor’s lunches were vegetarian and vegan.

  • We encourage guests to connect with one another through using Linkedin QR codes rather than business cards

  • ​Lanyards were made from biodegradable bamboo, kindly sponsored by Solarsense. These were saved and will be reused for future events. 

  • Future Leap requested that teas and coffees at each event were Fairtrade and that alternative plant-based milks were made available. 

  • The hybrid element to the conference meant that people did not have to travel to attend, reducing carbon footprints and ensuring enhanced inclusivity. 

  • Speakers are panellists were sought from diverse backgrounds to address inclusivity

Opportunities to Network and Share Knowledge

Future Leap is home to a thriving network of sustainable businesses as well as purpose-led organisations and individuals.

With regular events surrounding all areas of environmental and social sustainability, Future Leap can helo you to minimise your carbon footprint, improve your energy efficiency, enhance your brand and increase investment opportunity and build a robust business.

Consider joining our Network and benefitting from our weekly sustainability-related business networking events.

Sign up to our newsletter to keep on top of innovative sustainability news and opportunities, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.